With Christmas and New Year over i am looking forward to playing the following Games in 2012:
Wing of War,
One of Local Club Players has just pick this up and i looking forward to this simply dog fighting game which combines Cards and Models. no dice needed. (and the miniatures are all painted)
Battle Ships Galaxies,
Had this in my collection for a few months now but not manager to get to the table i have been looking forward getting this game to the table for a while now.
Call to Arms : Star Fleet
Just got the rule book and two starter set, painted the models and have already arranged a Demo game. will post a small review once i have had a couple of games.
Every one seems to love this game, i hope me and the misses do to! Quarriors is an interesting take on deck building games which uses dice instead of cards. This will add a twist of luck to what would normally be a games of he who controls that the best card collection wins.
Dust Tatics,
Another great fun board game which i have had for a while but has not seem much play which i hope to change. There is now Several new models which can be used for both the board game and Table top War-game variant.
Warmachine & Hordes
This is a currently my most played game, because its a great game which never plays the same, I have a new Epic caster with tones of units which need to see the table. This is my game of choice and is going to be my painting focus for the year, so no new Factions models till i can field two
fully painted 50 point list. I am going to wait till the end of the year and till I have played with two plastic starter set for Hordes before i decide which faction to go with.
Warhammer 40K
With the Necron Back and the rumours of the Tau and a New edition on the way i will most likely have a few games. and hopefully finishing painting my Nids but its at the back of a long painting queue.
Another Si-fi miniatures game that i have been enjoying and would love to play more this coming year. The miniatures are great but i feel that i will need a lot more paint skill to do them justice, so these will be staying in primer for a while.
My main goal for the year in hobby terms is to play with more painted stuff so i have decided not to keep trying to follow master painter guides but to try and get my miniature up to a basic table top standard.