Wednesday, November 11, 2015

....playing on play mat from inked

I just got these two playing mat for playing Netrunner. These mats are amazing.

Sunday, November 8, 2015

....Watching Movies

I have been lucky enough to has spent a few nights watch Movies at both the Cinema and at Home. I though I would give you a quick break down of what I have seen so far and my ratings out of 5

Crimson Peak 5 stars 

First was Crimson Peak, This was one of the best horror/Thriller films I had seen for a while. The story was greatly told by the by a great Director - Guillermo del Toro. Trailer

Birdman - 5 Stars

Simply a great movie that everyone should watch it. Not like the normal film Critics awarded film. Funny with some fantastic single take scenes and transitions. Trailer

Spectre - 2 Star

I would have liked this movie if it had not been a Bond movie. Bond is taking itself to seriously, Where are all the gadget? The film also contained the worse car chase scene I have ever seen. super car been held up by a Fiat 500.

Martain - 4 Star

Great movie another must see, but I felt that more could have gone wrong. I would also suggest Moon another great Film.

Star Wars is the next movie for me and i have tickets booked for a midnight showing.

Friday, May 22, 2015

...playing all these games..... I wish

As time is something that I have less of every year for my hobby I have started to restrict which game I play and buy addons for. So below is a list of the games that I am currently playing with the faction that I am focusing on.

  1. Warmachine/Hordes - Skorne
  2. Netrunner
  3. X-Wing
  4. Star Wars Armada - imperials
  5. Guild ball - butchers
  6. Drop zone - Shaltari
  7. Infinity - Combines
The order is also my guesses frequency of play with guild ball looking like the moving up and I guess no games of drop zone or infinity.

I have also decided not to back any more kickstater campaigns which I am sure you all know which will be hard as we all like the new shiny.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

.... playing more Warmachine

I guess this should real say playing more Hordes. As I am one of the pressganger for Leeds I normally end up running events for the local players and as a result not play much of my favorite miniatures game. In fact I only played between 4-6 games (not counting Demo games) in 2014. So this year I would like to play as many games as possible and keep a record.

There is a great app for this call Iron Grudge which I will be using. This app allow to keep track of the game and opponents that I have played, The App also allows you to keep a record of  the army list played so that you can build an understanding of what work against what.

The local player have asked me to run a Journey Man League which I hope will help me to play a few games each month, and paint some models. This will push me into playing more games.

The aim of this is to become a better player by,

A. Playing more games,
B. Sticking to one Faction (Skrone)
C. Only play between 2-4 lists through the year.

I will post up a 6 Month Review of my Stats and the list i have used so far.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

... Looking forward to playing Star Wars Armada

Just got my hand on this looking forward to playing it this weekend if I can find some free time.

I will post up some unboxing picks during the weekend.