Tuesday, January 31, 2017

... Reading False Gods, then Listening to it

This is the second book of the Horus Hersey story arc, from Black library. The story continues the journey of the the Warmaster and his fall to chaos. In brief Horus returns to a previously purified world where he is mortally wounded and saved by the powers of Chaos.

After listening to the first abridged audio book i could not wait for the next audio book False Gods so i decided to grab a copy of the book. The book was great i could not put it down, it was full of depth and was not solely focused on the Astartes (Space marines) as the audio books books was. The civilians like the remembers and the iterators play a key role in the story. This was just as interesting as the battle and the bonds between the Astartes as there elements of the story concerted on the under tones of Religions, cults and tiered society that is humanity in during the crusades.This is where the i noticed the huge plot gaps that have been created  by creating the audio book.

The audio book is good, but think of it as summary of the books content. The only thing that the audio book pick up is the main arc of the book, which is that Horus is betrayed and lead to the moon of Davin where one of his warrior which was given control of the colonies is corrupted by Chaos, and in the a Battle with Horus manages to wound him with the Anathane (stolen in the first book).

Missing section where Empires (lecto da vinitous) follower uses the power form the Emporer to defeat a warp demond.

Eberus key role in the hole plot line.

Basically the book is a lot better and as such i have started read the the Galaxy in flames.

....Watching Arrival

 Arrival - 5 Stars

Simply put the best movie of 2016 this was the perfect Science fiction movie which builds to great ending a most see movie.

And a plus the Trailer does not give any thing away check it out here

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

.... painting Skrone WIP

I have just started working on my Skorne Hordes Models this is the first layer of flesh done.